Pam Torres's Books

About Pam
Pam Torres was born in Logan, Utah and spent most of her growing up in Prairie Village, Kansas. Besides playing Dorothy during tornado weather, digging Peter Pan-like underground forts she also played piano and ran cross-country. She started her family early and had five energetic and creative children and returned to school when the last one was four. She has fond memories of reading and playing with her children in between hefty amounts of volunteering at church and their schools. Several of her favorite memories were doing writers workshop, updating the art docent program, recruiting volunteers, working as the parent liaison for the curriculum team, publishing articles in the newsletter and directing a very popular after school art club. About this time she met her current husband, who had a four-year-old son of his own making them a lopsided Brady Bunch. In college she majored in communication with an emphasis on journalism and writing. As managing editor of the the UWT's literary magazine she learned formatting, working with editors and producing a quality product. Working as an advertising and contributing editor for Walk About Magazine she quickly learned that in order to move up in the Public Relations Field or Advertising she was up against stiff competition: twenty-somethings willing to work 80 hours a week. Her children were all blessed with beautiful huge teeth for their small mouths. In search of the best orthodontia coverage at several companies, she took a sales management position in downtown Seattle. Writing was the one constant in her life through all the struggles of single parenthood, stepparent issues and bringing a large family together. She continued to write her brains out in hopes of writing full time one day. After five years in sales, she quit her well paying job to write. Her supportive husband is her biggest cheerleader and she frequently acknowledges that she couldn’t have done it without him. Project Madison Series is her debut middle grade series. She organized Project Madison around it’s release and is donating 10% of her proceeds to the ASPCA®, animal shelters and other programs to benefit homeless or abused animals
Life is getting way too tricky for eleven-year-old Madison. Her stepdad, who she knows as Henry, has way too many systems around the house since her Mom died. To top it off, Madison and her new friend Cooper have become the “school project” of a bully named Donald. And all she really wants is a dog to call her own, but all she gets is the parental-brush-off. What is a straight-talking, spunky middle grader going to do? Kids from ages nine to twelve years old are sure to get a laugh from If Dogs Could Blog, which tells the heartwarming story of the sometimes tough, frequently funny days of the wise-cracking, dog-loving Madison. When her dad arrives home with a scrawny brown terrier named Lilly, Madison is amazed to find she has an ability to understand dogs, their emotions, and often their pasts. However, her gift also leads her to uncover some extremely harmful activities that are happening in her very own neighborhood. Frank, funny, and full of adventure, this book is a must for any middle grader, who is certain to be enthralled by this dog blogger.
In the second book of the Project Madison series, things get complicated as Madison and Cooper try to navigate their new relationship. School has ended and they're spending more time together, blogging, working at the kennel, training dogs—including Lilly. When Jonah, the new neighbor who has moved into Paige's old house, begins to spend more time with Madison, Cooper isn't at all happy. Jonah's uncle, a Native American, shares his knowledge about Madison's power to see and feel canine memories and emotions. The mysterious white wolf returns and fills her mind with dreams and more questions. Madison starts a dog-walking business and discovers Ben, a crotchety old man whose dog is skin and bones. When the kennel receives a dog that has been brutally injured, Madison is determined to find out what happened. She and Cooper realize they're going to need Jonah and Donald to bust this investigation wide open and save the dogs. But getting to the bottom of the mystery will threaten not only Madison, but everyone she loves.